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Concordia Texas Music Camp

Austin, TX



Event Dates Grades Cost Register
High School Music 06/09/2025 - 06/12/2025 9th - 12th Grade as of Fall 2025 $346.00 * Register
* Discounts may apply.

Mission and Vision Statement

Concordia University Texas (CTX) empowers students of all backgrounds to lead lives of critical thought, compassionate action, and courageous leadership. As a liberal arts university rooted in the Lutheran tradition and aligned with the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, Concordia Texas develops the mind, heart, soul, and body, preparing leaders for lives of service. 

Music Department: Everyone is welcome to attend music camp! Our music instructors value and uphold Christian education through the Lutheran Learning Model. The music department provides a place for musicians to learn, grow, and collaborate through many diverse genres of music. Working together allows us to create meaningful work in music through musical experiences.

Music Camp Goals

  • Students will be able to 
  • Develop musical skills and knowledge: Music Theory, Aural Skills, Recording Technology, and Performance Skills
  • Perform solo and chamber music while developing ensemble and musical leadership skills
  • Collaborate with others
  • Express personal growth and maturity through musical applications
  • Create meaningful, lasting memories and friendships

Camp Expectations

All music camp attendees are expected to:

  • Respect their fellow musicians, instructors, and staff
  • Follow instructions from instructors and staff
  • Promptly arrive to each scheduled session
  • Keep up with personal belongings
  • Maintain clean working environments


All students are expected to arrive 10 minutes before camp begins and inform the Camp Director if they will not be present that day. All students must have arrangements for prompt departure at the conclusion of camp each day.

Personal Belongings

CTX Music Camp is a fun, casual environment to learn. We take learning seriously. Please wear comfortable clothing and be advised that the AC in the music building works very well – some say too well. We will be doing some activities in which you may want to wear supportive footwear – such as a walking tour of campus.
All devices, including phones, must be silent and not be a distraction to the learning environment. 
Please make sure all your personal belongings have your name labeled on them, including instruments, water bottles, hoodies, etc. Concordia University Texas will not be liable for any personally owned property.

CTX Equipment

Students will have access to CTX instruments and equipment throughout the camp. CTX pianos, organs, microphones, computers, midi keyboards, and other audio electronics found in Buildings B and A will be used during the camp. Students are expected to treat the instruments and equipment with respect. No food or drink will be allowed on an instrument or equipment at any time. Damage to CTX facilities, fixtures, or equipment whether intentional or not will be the responsibility of the student to repair or replace.


Camp is Monday through Thursday, June 9-12, from 11:00 am – 4:00 pm. Thursday evening we will have a celebration showcasing our music from the week.

Daily Sample Schedule
  • 10:50 am arrive on campus
  • 11:00 am Introduction and Ice Breaker
  • 11:30 am Session 1
  • 12:15 am Session 2
  • 1:00 pm Snack Break and Games
  • 1:30 pm Session 3
  • 2:00 pm Session 4
  • 2:30 pm Session 5
  • 4:00 pm Depart Campus (except on Thursday)
  • Celebration Showcase (Thursday)
  • 4:00 pm Concert Begins


Health and Safety

Students’ health and safety are our top priority. Use of water bottles is highly encouraged even though we will be indoors during camp, staying hydrated is important. All students must have the Full Release Waiver Form signed and returned before the camp begins.

Most camp activities will be inside building B. Sometimes we will use other areas of the campus. Students should always remain with other students inside designated spaces unless accompanied by a staff member. Students should report any safety concerns to a camp instructor or staff member immediately.
CTX owns part of the regional Balcones Canyonland Preserve and the campus buildings are located along the border of the entrance to the Concordia Preserve. Wildlife and plant life can be seen and observed by walking on campus. Please remain on walking paths. Do not approach or attempt to capture any wildlife. Please tell a camp staff member if you encounter any wildlife immediately.

Food allergies or concerns should be reported to the Camp Director before camp starts. Students will be provided with a snack and may bring extra food from home if they desire. All food should remain in building B’s Student Center.

In the case of an emergency regarding all participants at camp, we will send a Group Me notification with details (see below to join). Should any individual emergencies arise, a member of the staff will contact the parents or guardians of that student using the contact information provided on the liability waiver. Any daily medications will be the student's responsibility to administer. 

Contact Information
The music department faculty and staff are here to empower our students to be lifelong learners, leaders, and compassionate community members.

Dr. Whitney Crowley, Camp Director
Office Phone: 512.313.5420

Mrs. Jamie Morales, Camp Coordinator

Group Me

We will use this group to communicate with you and your students. Students over the age of 13 years with parental permission may use GroupMe. Please join to get details about the camp and any emergency communications that may occur during the camp.  Join here!

Online registration is safe and secure using Ryzer.

Music Camp Photo